NNY Massage
Prevention, Recovery, Health

Prevention, Recovery, Health

Prevention.. Recovery.. Health..




By helping the body to lower the level of stress hormones such as cortisol, massage therapy assists the reduction of the effects and discomforts due to stress such as:


   Tension Headaches

   Body Pain

   High Blood Pressure



   Muscle Tension and Stiffness




Massage Therapy Sessions can:

   Shortens the recovery period of an illness or injury.

   Reduces the formation of excess scar tissue.

   Restores mobility to injured muscle tissue.

   Assists in post-operative rehabilitation.



Because our daily lives are typically filled with things to do, people to see and jobs that need attending to, I aim to give you that much-needed chance to step back from the chaos in your life. By relieving stress and re-energizing, you can return to your life with a renewed sense of purpose and drive.

Encourages circulation, oxygenation of the soft tissues, and cellular nutrition resulting in healthier, more pliable and flexible muscles which resist injury and tears, and relief from soreness and fatigue from overexertion.

Strengthens the immune system which, in turn, decreases the frequency of illness.

Enhances thinking and creative abilities.

Improves posture

Promotes deeper, easier breathing.

Increases your energy and supports your active lifestyle.

With massage therapy on a regular basis, athletes can extend the overall life of their sporting career and boost performance.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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